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Showing posts from January, 2011

Another Gun Control Post

Let's talk gun control. Americans love their guns. Until just a few weeks ago, gun control was a toxic subject on capitol hill. The reason for that is that politicians can't really tell who the gun loving Americans ARE. It is actually nearly impossible to be certain where someone stands on gun control regardless of their other political views. A good chunk of Democrats are just a protective of their firearms and right to have them as Republicans tend to be. The only thing that is certain when dealing with guns is my first sentence above – American love their guns. Conventional wisdom says: Put the topic down and back slowly away if you value your political career. But avoiding election consequences aside, there are some facts that makes reasonable gun control difficult to completely dismiss. The statistics on gun violence in America are staggering. We're talking 12-15 times as many injuries and fatalities than the top 25 industrialized nations COMBINED. We are not suffering...