For progressives, open carry activism is disgusting; It's everything we don't like about gun ownership. This movement takes the right to bear arms and walks around shoving it people's faces, scaring them half to death, and setting police nerves on edge as regular citizens brandish everything from pistols to semi-automatic rifles in combat styles. With thirty states allowing open carry without a license, these activists often garner very little confidence in the judgment or control that supporters of gun rights insist is the standard among legal gun owners and seem to be nothing short of a powder keg just waiting for the right match to go off. Maybe these guys are well disciplined and full trained with their firearms able to discern friend from foe quickly in the advent of a violent altercation and respond with necessary, accurate force to end the situation quickly and decisively saving lives. ...or maybe they think guns are really cool, play a lot of Call of Duty, lo...
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